Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Experiences in creating a blog

HELLOW..... Even though creating a blog was a little bit challenging i experience alot from it.It made it easier for me to be inconnection with my fellow students online. i never be inconnection with my fellow students  through blogging so i think iam enjoying it.I have learnt alot and i believe it have improved my skills and knowledge.THANK YOU 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Nelson Mandela is a humble  African leader who was different from other leaders in the way that he cared for the nation and that he sacrificed himself  to fought for them.His staying in prison for so many years did not change him or made him turn his back out of them because he knew what he wanted and he was eager to free his people so i think it has no negative effects on him even though it was difficult.

Grandfathers fear

The fear that the grandfather had was an abnormal fear because he was afraid of death,this fear came after his grandson told him about the falling star he saw.he started sweating and shivering because of that.He even started thinking of the death of  hiswife,his own age and that his time of  death is coming.